目前分類:咖啡廳 (38)

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2015-08-29 【Hove】Patisserie Valerie 蛋糕專賣咖啡廳 (135) (0)
2015-08-28 【Brighton】The Tea Cosy 咖啡廳 (36) (0)
2015-08-23 【Brighton】The Flour Pot Bakery 麵包店咖啡廳 (90) (0)
2015-08-05 【Brighton】 Coffee tree 咖啡廳 (47) (0)
2015-07-19 【台中一中街】Stayreal Cafe (43) (0)
2015-02-23 【Brighton】Chocaffinitea 咖啡廳 (148) (2)
2015-02-10 【Brighton】Mange Tout 法式咖啡廳 (66) (2)
2015-01-28 【Brighton】Friends of Jolly Green Cafe (69) (1)
2015-01-25 【Brighton】Bond St. Cafe (68) (1)
2015-01-17 【Brighton】Marmalade Cafe (89) (2)
2014-10-19 【Brighton】Taylor St Baristas 咖啡廳 (90) (5)
2014-10-12 【Brighton】The Almond Tree (65) (3)
2014-10-08 【Brighton】Billie's 咖啡廳 (79) (2)
2014-08-26 【Lewes】Wickle Cafe (59) (0)
2014-08-03 【London】Monmouth 咖啡廳 (132) (3)
2014-07-18 [ Lewes ] Robson’s of Lewes (45) (1)
2014-07-04 【Brighton】Blackbird Tea Rooms (141) (3)
2014-06-25 【Lewes】Baltica 咖啡廳 (83) (1)
2014-06-19 【Brighton】Nordic Coffee Collective (102) (3)
2014-06-09 【Lewes】The Buttercup Cafe (81) (2)
2014-05-23 【Brighton】The Manor 早午餐 (259) (5)
2014-05-18 【Brighton】 Redwood Cafe (90) (3)
2014-05-08 【Brighton】Lucky13 cafe (86) (1)
2014-05-04 [ Lewes ] Flint Owl Bakery (70) (3)
2014-03-26 [ Hove ] Treacle & Co (99) (5)
2014-03-21 [Brighton] Coffee @ 33 (77) (3)
2014-03-14 [ Brighton ] The Little Teashop In The Lanes (104) (4)
2014-03-11 【Lewes】Laporte's 咖啡廳 (91) (5)
2014-02-25 【Brighton】Marwood Coffee Shop (77) (3)
2014-02-20 【Lewes】Le Magasin (72) (2)
2014-02-14 【Brighton】Redroaster Coffee House (74) (2)
2014-02-11 【Brighton】四間咖啡廳體驗:Bertie's of Brighton, Little Bird, Cafe Coho, 及Small Batch Coffee Company (142) (5)
2014-02-03 【Brighton】The Mock Turtle Tea Shop (260) (2)
2013-12-10 [信義區]Woolloomooloo wxy (243) (2)
2013-11-21 【忠孝復興站】Cafe Laku Laku 樂樂咖啡 (202) (2)
2013-10-25 【台北師大】Cafe Trouve 找到咖啡 (286) (0)
2013-09-19 【捷運中山國中站】Cafe de ZAZA 札札咖啡 (338) (0)
2013-09-12 【台北西門】21 Cafe (813) (0)